Monday, November 17, 2008

"Monday Monday, can't trust that day, Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way"

Why do I have products sitting here and I never get my tush in to gear and post them? That's a thing about myself I find annoying. Although, I think, sometimes, if nothing is selling, and nothing is rushing past you, you lose all sense of urgency and motivation.

I WILL post my Peter Pan shoes today, I will, I will, I will! Ok, MAYBE I will -- ha ha.

OK, so here are two treasuries I found myself in.

This one was created by Earmark and I think it is gorgeous! I was thrilled to be included, and it has such a happy jolly feel to it!

This one is by TaylorsEclectic and I love the bold sassy colours of it. So much fun, and so whimsy.

I made a treasury today and featured some of the kind folk who have been around today when I was feeling blue! Its in treasury west and expires in 2 days.


Leelinau said...

Yea, I feel that way about shipping items. I love doing everything up until THAT point.


Jennifer said...

Hi there NM! Those are two awesome treasuries that you were in :-)

Buy My Crap said...

hey Jennifer, so nice to see you here!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

lol--I know just what you mean! My big thing is that stupid photoshop for resizing and stuff--drives me nuts! Your little slippers are absolutely darling and congrats on being in all those treasuries! wow!

Smiles, Karen