Just before I left Reno for my long trek across the USA to Maine, I received a Valentine days card in the mail.
At first, when my kids came running in with it (ages 15 and 13) I had no idea who it was from. They were giggling and laughing and trying to figure out just who was sending us a card. You see, the envelope had no name on the front just an address, so who it was for was anyone's guess!
This is the card I got in the mail, purchased from Etsy and sent to me by LethargicLass who I met via etsy. LL (as we call her) has become a very dear friend of mine, and this card has been something a group of us have been discussing for quite sometime now. You see, we could not decide WHO was going to buy the card and who was going to receive it, we were all in such AWE over the magnificence of it!
So, I turned out to be the lucky one, as LL wanted to send it to me to cheer me up as she knew I was going on a long trip across the USA and was very sad about it. WinterPanda, OBTP, PinkFlowerCube, EchosArt have decided instead of traveling Pants, we are going to have a travelling card, and thusly, soon I must send it on to someone else in the group to enjoy!
Here is a pic of the delightful message written inside:

A magnificent Valentine Days Card, sent to me, by LL, bought from ETSY and created by a very special ETSY seller!