Friday, January 30, 2009

Boo-Boo Rings

Im thinking of having a boo-boo ring sale. The way it will work is:

I will list all rings that are for sale in this blog. If you like something, all you have to do is put a message in the blog comments, email me, or convo Buy My Crap on etsy (first come, first served)

I will then go list the ring in etsy for you to buy. This way, the boo-boo rings don't clutter up the shop and detract from the "good" rings, and are only listed right before they are purchased.

There are some stunning rings with a few minor defects, like a couple of air holes, and they didnt pass my inspection! I will hopefully be listing them tonight, or tomorrow : )

I hope you find something in your size you like.


Vivianapachecofineart said...

That sounds like fun to me! Can't wait to see the booboo's...

Buy My Crap said...

--- and I am a slacker who hasnt done it yet, but I will, really I will!!

Jennifer said...

Hey NM! I havent been on twitter lately so I wanted to say hi! *waves*